WAYS TO KNOW SHE IS FEELING HORNY AROUND YOU, be careful of the number 3

“When it comes to sex, men are like light switches while women are like car engines?” It implies that men would always be reliably ready for sex at any time of the day while women, on the other hand, need to get warmed up first to get things going.

Can you ever tell if a girl is horny while hanging out with her? Well, these are the right signs to watch out for

She’s touchy and feely

Here, he hand travels to places where they usually don’t, and with it comes the distinct blurring of the lines between normal and unwelcome touching. But who are we kidding right? There is no “unwelcome touching” for girls in the male vocabulary. This doesn’t mean that she’ll grab your crotch immediately though. Her touching could be subtle yet a ritualized invitation for you to do the same to her, and she’s telling you that she won’t mind.

She’s complimenting how good you look 

In a normal situation, this behavior could be passed off as mere flirting, but if she’s sexualizing everything you do and objectifying you, then it’s another story. Being sexually objectified is normally frowned upon, but in every man’s subconscious, it’s a secret fantasy to be chased and hit on by lots of women.

She lets you touch her 

This could be described as the dead giveaway prior to the point of no return. Girls, even the most flirty ones, are very sensitive to unwelcome touching. So if you’re the daring type and would want to confirm if she really wants it, and she lets you touch her, then there is no need for further explanation because you know what comes next. Be careful though, and start easy and carefully. Don’t just slide your hand inside her blouse. Make it more romantic and ritualized in order to build sexual tension for the both of you. 

She’s uneasy in your presence 

Female arousal comes with various biological mechanisms in her body like increased heart rate and heavier breathing, creating a certain degree of discomfort, and hence, the reason why she says that she feels “hot.”So let’s say that you’re on a date and she constantly shifts about in her seat while keeping her gaze at you, playing with her hair, or keeps going to the ladies room to freshen up, it could only mean that she’s into you and wants to get the best of your attention.

She’s flirtier than usual 

In this case we assume that you’ve established at least a neutral type of relationship with the said girl. You do the usual things that friends or acquaintances do, like hanging out and a little casual talk every now and then. And then, for some reason, you notice that she’s flirtier and more teasing than her usual personality would otherwise show. Your suspicions would be further confirmed if she singles you out from the rest of the males around her. Flirting is an obvious sign that she’s aroused and that she wants your undivided attention. 



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